Event Posters

Event posters must capture the look, feel and atmosphere of the occasion they are advertising.  Everything from posh galas to rowdy street fairs can be consummately represented in a poster with the proper typography, color scheme and illustration.


Auction Poster

This 2017 East Clark County Young Life Auction poster calls to mind the early days of traveling carnivals. The bright colors of the games, stripes of the carnival tents and hand painted sign lettering are represented in this evocative design. The details hint at the excitement and whimsy of an event that featured carnival games, candy, photo booths and buckets of popcorn.


Best of Oregon City Poster

The Best of Oregon City Awards Ceremony was the culmination of a multi-month promotion by the Downtown Oregon City Association which included online voting and an in depth magazine publication of nominees and winners. This red carpet gala was a very modern affair. The poster, used to promote the event throughout the Downtown Oregon City business district, kept true to the design of the magazine, while drawing attention and creating buzz.


First City Poster

The First City Celebration of Oregon City is a summer street festival celebrating the history of Oregon’s original town.  The contemporary feel of the sans serif layered typography contrasts with the nostalgic Americana color scheme to remind the viewer that Oregon City is a modern city with a storied history.  Hierarchy and sectioning allow a large amount of event information to be conveyed without being busy or distracting.